“This wasn’t the first essay that I read this week, but it was the most wrenching, informative, lay-it-on-the-line and kick-you-in-the-pants one so far.” On Peggy’s essay on intimate partner violence and disability in The Revolution Starts At Home: Reviewed by The Angry Black Woman blog

Places to find my work

And Others
Peggy Munson “treads fearlessly into the viciously real,” – Make/Shift Magazine
Awards &
Bay Guardian's Fiction Contest Winner, Fellow at Cottages at Hedgebrook, the Ragdale Foundation, and the MacDowell Colony; Project Queerlit Prize winner, Massachusetts Cultural Council Grant Recipient, Lambda Literary Award Finalist, Selected for Best American Poetry​​
Honorable Mention/Runner-Ups:
Tupelo Press First Book Competition (Poetry), Spoon River Poetry Review Editor’s Prize (Poetry) Finalist:
Dorset Prize (Poetry), Tupelo Press First Book Competition (Poetry), Word Works/Washington Prize (Poetry), Carnegie-Mellon Poetry Series (Poetry), Astraea Grant (Poetry), Lambda Literary Award
Noted Poetry Publications
Best American Poetry 2003
Literature and Medicine
Spoon River Poetry Review
Sinister Wisdom
13th Moon
Breath and Shadow
Night Bringing Feathers
Art/Mixed media
Noted Short Story Publications
Mammoth Book of Erotica
Sometimes She Lets Me
San Francisco Bay Guardian
Blithe House Quarterly
Best American Erotica 2007
Best American Erotica 2006
Hers3: Brilliant New Fiction
Best Lesbian Erotica 1998-2008
and Best of 1 and 2
On Our Backs (the book)
Tough Girls
On Our Backs Magazine
Best Bisexual Erotica II
Genderqueer: Voices from Beyond the Sexual Binary
Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism
Outsider Ink
Femmethology Volume 2
Planet Thrive
Perceiving the Elephant
Natural Awakenings Miami
Disability Social History Project
Guest Editor: Suspect Thoughts: a Journal of Subversive Writing #18
Private editor for various projects

Writing the shadow spaces of ME/CFS, chronic Lyme, and Long Covid